
Our Services

Your Journey, Our Expertise 

At Lamer Capital, we understand that your financial journey is unique, and we are here to guide you every step of the way. With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to your financial well-being, we proudly offer a comprehensive range of services designed to secure your future and help you achieve your financial goals.

Decades of Wisdom, Unparalleled Insight

With over 100 years of combined experience, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Whether you’re a budding or a seasoned investor, Lamer Capital is here to provide the right insights and strategies you need.

Navigating Your Path Together

Our firm is more than just an advisory service; we are your partners in prosperity. As fiduciaries, we prioritize your best interests above all else.

With a deep understanding of the ever-evolving financial markets and a forward-thinking approach, we empower you to make informed decisions and seize opportunities.

Services We Offer

Our services encompass both financial and non-financial advisory domains, catering to a diverse spectrum of client needs. The following sections expound upon the scope and depth of our offerings:

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    Our Aim

    Driving Sustainable Growth:

    We aim to achieve steady and successful growth, both locally and internationally. As such, a core part of our strength as a business stem from the ‘financial transparency’ model we have created as the backbone of our operations

    Expanding Global Alliances: Building Trust and Delivering Excellence at Lamer Capitals

    We are proud to continue integrating our diverse offerings with well-recognized and respected organizations in the region and around the world. Receiving accolades at an international level reconfirms our strengths, capabilities and our capacity to deliver. At Lamer Capitals, we make sure that we offer a detailed explanation of all the right components and choose products that are best suited to the client’s requirements and objective at any given time. With this, we continue to gain the trust of both our existing investors as well as our prospective future partners as we grow.

    Family Office Advisory Services

    We provide both financial as well as non-financial advisory to family office.

    Investment Advisory

    • Complete advisory and oversight on the investment portfolios.
    • Consolidated reporting using cutting edge technology.
    • Risk-based investment management strategy.
    • Tailored solution across all asset classes

    Insurance Solutions

    • In-depth understanding of Insurance products
    • Independent and objective assessment of insurance needs, based on family lifestyle
    • Using our network of Insurance partners, provide tailored solutions to achieve longterm insurance goals.

    Estate Planning

    • Advising clients on the most optimal structure
      for holding and passing on assets.
    • Assist on implementation and execution of
      these structures using our wide network of
      associated partners in fiduciary and law firms.

    Credit Solutions

    • Identify credit needs
    • Customize optimal credit strategy
    • Facilitate arranging credit through our
      network of banks and financial
    • Negotiate better cost structures